As Moderna Therapeutics advances over 10 mRNA medicines through clinical trials they have leased a 200,000+ sq.ft. facility in Norwood in order to keep up with their expected pipeline. This space will be designed to accommodate a large group of current employees as well as multiple new hires.
With plans to renovate the space in phases, New England Lab was selected to collaborate with DPS Global, DPR Construction and 42 North Solutions to provide laboratory furniture for Phase 1.
Our newest and most adaptable freestanding mobile table system, the Cambridge Series table with a slotted overhead shelving system will be used throughout the laboratories. When required, these tables will have plumbing fixtures integrated into the slotted post while other tables will be ready to accept plumbing if needed for future use. Our modern Safeguard Series bench fume hoods as well as a floor-mounted hood will also be provided to the project.